About this Blog, & Me

Welcome gentle readers,

My name is Brian Baker, and I delite in food.  Yes, I know delite is spelled wrong, but I like it that way, for a couple of reasons. First, I'm a Foodie, and love food.  second, I'm a large guy, 6' and 265 pounds, who needs to lose some weight.  I am the classic big boned, broad shouldered ectomorph with a 50" chest.  I'm going to carry more weight than other folks 6' tall, but, I have a belly that needs to be reduced.

I am starting that journey, now.

After being laid off from a 20 year career as a law librarian, I went back to Culinary School.  It was fascinating.  I was always an excellent cook, but I was always flying by the seat of my pants.  Now I learned technique, knife skills, flavor pairings, and food styling.  It was eyeopening.

I didn't gain or lose weight while in culinary school, and I have stayed flat since.  However, I was 180 pounds when I graduated high school in 1974, and while I doubt I could get back to that weight, I'd be ecstatic to get down to 200 pounds.  Heck, I'd be happy to get down to 225 pounds.

I need to start eating better, put my skills to work for me, leave processed foods behind, and begin to eat more whole foods.  To me, this means more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, and when I eat meat, it be leaner - more seafood and chicken breasts, less pulled pork (which I'm known for and sell at Farmers Markets) and hamburgers.

Those will be treats, that I allow myself to indulge in occasionally.

I'll talk about my journey, including my just completed 3 day Juiceapalooza, and I will provide recipes, and answer questions.

Thank you for coming.  I hope you find something you like, and that you will return.



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